
The Thyngs Router links each Thyng to its related Page. Simply send the Thyng Code to the Router in order to see the relevant Page. You can also send the Router additional information which can help to improve the Analytics of a campaign.


Thyngs pages can be loaded by the Router by specifying the related Thyng Code in the URL.
e.g for Thyng code ANA00014 the following URL can be used

Additional Parameters

The following information can then appended to the request as URL parameters:

  • Lat - Latitude
  • Lon - Longitude
  • Use – UserID from app
  • Int – Interaction type used to open the link. This is useful for reporting purposes to monitor the uptake of different ways of opening a Thyngs Experiance. Either:
    • - Leave blank for a standard tap, scan, etc
    • FAV - opened from favourites section of application
    • REC - opened from recents section of application
    • SOC - opened from social section of application
    • MSG - opened from a link in a message
    • SHA - opened from a link shared online or through social media
    • TES - test interaction that should not effect reporting
So with all of the parameters...